Her Spirit, Our Drive.

A brighter future for kids with brain cancers.


Annie Huang Lab

Brain Tumour Research Centre

Arthur and Sonia Labatt
Brain Tumour Research Centre – Annie Huang Lab

Tali’s Fund has been helping to support Dr. Annie Huang’s research since 2008.  The Annie Huang Lab is part of the Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumour Research Centre at SickKids Hospital in Toronto, Canada.

Dr. Annie Huang

SickKids Hospital Staff Oncologist, Paediatric Brain Tumour Program, Haematology/OncologyCanada
Principal Investigator – Annie Huang Lab
Associate Chair of Research, Department of Paediatrics, SickKids and University of Toronto
Research Chair in Rare Childhood Brain Tumours
Professor, Department of Paediatrics, University of Toronto

Dr Huang is a paediatric neuro-oncologist and scientist with the Cell Biology Research Program, at the Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumour Research Centre at SickKids. She holds a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair and is a Professor of Paediatrics with Medical Biophysics and Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at the University of Toronto.

She received her PhD and MD at the University of Toronto where she trained in cancer genomics and biology, and clinical oncology. Prior to starting her independent laboratory in 2005, she pursued post-doctoral training with Drs Jeremy Squire and Linda Penn at the Ontario Research Institute. She started the Rare Brain Tumour Consortium RBTC to pursue her long-standing research and clinical interest in rare infant brain tumours due to the distinct clinical challenges of these patient population. In her laboratory she combines genomics, functional epigenomics and genome-wide screening tools to understand the pathogenesis of rare CNS embryonal tumours, including ATRTs (Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid tumours), and ETMRs (Embryonal Tumour with Multi-layered Rosettes) with the goal to improve treatment and patient survival. Many of the discoveries from the Huang lab has been applied to analyses and development of clinical trials for rare tumours through her leadership in the Children’s Oncology Group Trial Consortia. Due to her specific clinical and research interest/expertise, she also frequently advises on treatment of children across the world diagnosed with rare CNS tumours.

Dr. Annie Huang – Safer Treatments Needed

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