Her Spirit, Our Drive.

A brighter future for kids with brain cancers.


Rare Brain Tumour Consortium

Led by Dr. Annie Huang at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto, Canada, the Rare Brain Tumor Consortium, or RBTC is an international collaborative network of clinicians, scientists, patient advocates, and families dedicated to making rare brain tumours in children a curable disease.

The RBTC collects and stores data on patient diagnosis, demographics, treatment, and survival. To date, they have analyzed the genetic makeup of more than 3,000 tumour samples of over 2,100 patients from over 140 centres in 35 countries — the most extensive data gathered in this area worldwide.  

The RBTC has already facilitated revolutionary, quantitative advances in our knowledge about 3 types of rare childhood brain cancers, including ATRT, ETMR and Pineoblastoma.

“We can learn from every single child… whatever the outcome was for that child. Every child can help inform us about how to approach the next child.” – Dr. Huang.

ATRT research facilitated by the RBTC

Research initiated in 2008 by Tali’s Fund in Toronto, Canada under the direction of Dr. Annie Huang, produced promising data that facilitated the setup of a larger registry and repository through the Rare Brain Tumor Consortium.

This allowed for the collection of data from ATRT children from all around the world, and for a global collaborative study involving over 40 countries, which led to ground-breaking discoveries about ATRT.  Starting with 14 ATRT patients in 2008, the RBTC registry now has almost 630 ATRT patients registered.  Tali’s Fund continues to support ATRT research, as well as to help support the Rare Brain Tumor Consortium.  

“Every child that is in the registry – Tali’s legacy has touched.  And for every child who has done well, all the data from the other children, including Tali, has had a hand in contributing to that success… I hope that all the information and all the resources collected will be used by the next generation of scientists and physicians who take care of the next generation of children, to continue to improve our understanding and the way we treat ATRT.” – Dr. Huang

Information for Parents