Her Spirit, Our Drive.

A brighter future for kids with brain cancers.


Signs From Heaven: After-Death Communication Through Symbols


Losing a loved one is an emotional journey that leaves us longing for a connection beyond the physical realm. Many people find solace in believing that their departed loved ones communicate with them through symbols. These signs from heaven offer comfort, reassurance, and a sense of continued presence. In this blog, we explore the various ways that symbols have been believed to be a form of after-death communication (also known as ADC) and the insights from scholars who have studied this phenomenon. 

Signs from the Universe 

The universe is believed to send us messages through various signs, often in the form of symbols that hold personal significance for both the departed and the grieving. These signs may include butterflies, rainbows, specific animals, or even numbers that hold special meaning. Some people report feeling a sense of peace or warmth when they encounter these signs, interpreting them as messages from their loved ones, reassuring them that they are still present in spirit. 

Synchronicities and Serendipitous Encounters 

One common form of after-death communication is the experience of synchronicities and serendipitous encounters. These occurrences involve the alignment of events, numbers, or symbols that hold personal significance for the bereaved. For example, coming across the departed’s favorite song on the radio, running into someone who shares a name or resembles the departed, or seeing recurring numbers like birthdates, anniversaries, or special sequences. 

Researchers such as Dr. Gary Schwartz, a psychology and neuroscience professor, have explored synchronicities and their potential significance as messages from the afterlife. Schwartz suggests that these experiences may be a way for our departed loved ones to show they are still present and watching over us. 

Dreams and Visitations  

Dreams have long been regarded as a conduit for communication between the living and the deceased. Many individuals report vivid and emotionally charged dreams involving their departed loved ones. These dreams are often described as different from regular dreams, with a sense of realism and clarity that stays with the dreamer even after waking. 

Dr. Christopher Kerr, a hospice doctor and researcher, has studied end-of-life dreams and visions extensively. His research indicates that these experiences offer peace, comfort, and a sense of continuity for both the dying and their loved ones. 

Symbolic Animals and Nature 

Nature and animals are frequently believed to be messengers of after-death communication. For instance, the appearance of butterflies, birds, or specific animals associated with the departed can be perceived as signs from heaven. These symbols can evoke fond memories and bring a sense of connection with the deceased. 

Dr. Bill Guggenheim, a former counselor and author, has dedicated years to researching after-death communication experiences. He notes that animals often play a significant role in these interactions, acting as spiritual messengers and comforters. 

Electrical and Technological Signs: 

Unexplained electrical disturbances are another intriguing aspect of after-death communication. Lights flickering, electronic devices behaving erratically, or certain appliances turning on spontaneously can be perceived as signs from the other side. 

Dr. Allan Botkin, a clinical psychologist, has explored the phenomenon of Induced After-Death Communication (IADC) in his research. He suggests that electrical disturbances may represent a form of communication and validation from departed loved ones. 

Feather and Coin Appearances 

Another commonly reported sign from the afterlife is finding feathers and coins in unexpected places. Feathers are often seen as a symbol of angels or spiritual beings, while finding a coin is believed to be a message of abundance and support. These seemingly simple signs hold immense meaning for those mourning the loss of a loved one, as they provide a sense of connection and reassurance. 


The belief in after-death communication through symbols is a deeply personal and spiritual experience for many individuals grieving the loss of a loved one. These signs from heaven offer comfort, hope, and a sense of ongoing connection, making the grieving process more bearable. 

Researchers and scholars continue to study the phenomenon of after-death communication, seeking to understand the profound impact it has on individuals’ healing and well-being. While these experiences may not be universally accepted, they hold a special place in the hearts of those who find comfort in the belief that their loved ones are still watching over them. 

As we navigate the complexities of grief, it’s essential to remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and finding solace in symbols and signs is a personal choice. At Tali’s Fund, we aim to provide support, understanding, and resources for families coping with the challenges of childhood rare brain cancers. 

More Resources: 

  • Dr. Gary Schwartz: https://psychology.arizona.edu/person/gary-schwartz 
  • Dr. Bill Guggenheim: http://www.after-death.com/ 
  • Dr. Allan Botkin: http://induced-adc.com/ 
  • The Afterlife Unveiled: What the Dead Are Telling Us About Their World by Stafford Betty  
  • Signs from the Afterlife: Identifying Gifts from the Other Side by Lyn Ragan  
  • After-Death Communication: Hundreds of True Stories from the UK by Louis LaGrand  
  • Grief Dreams: How They Help Heal Us After the Death of a Loved One by T.J. Wray  
  • Science and the Afterlife Experience: Evidence for the Immortality of Consciousness by Chris Carter 

Visit Tali’s Fund at https://talisfund.org/ to learn more about our initiatives and how we support families facing childhood rare brain cancers. Together, we strive to make a difference in the lives of young patients and their loved ones.